Role of Soil Moisture in formation of Convective Precipitation?

Convective precipitation is rainfall that occurs when the ground heats up, causing the air above it…

What is the Difference Between Convective Rainfall and Low-Pressure Rainfall ?

Convective Rainfall: Formation: Convective rainfall occurs when the ground heats up, causing the air near the…

What is Evaporative Stress Ratio (ESR) ?

In the realm of agricultural science and environmental monitoring, the Evaporative Stress Ratio (ESR) emerges as…

What is shallow cloud?

Hello Everyone! Today, I’m excited to share insights into an often-overlooked but fascinating feature of our…

Understanding Surface Energy Fluxes: Sensible Heat, Latent Heat, and Net Radiation

Surface energy fluxes play a crucial role in the Earth’s energy balance and climate system. These…

What is Rainfall-Runoff Modeling? 5 minutes read

Rainfall-runoff modeling is a fundamental aspect of hydrology that helps scientists and engineers understand and predict…