Basics of Hydrology Quiz – II

This is the second quiz section basic hydrology (check out first quiz). Please check your answers and let me know how many you get write in the comments.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which layer of the soil profile typically has the highest permeability?
    • A) Bedrock
    • B) Subsoil
    • C) Topsoil
    • D) O-horizon
  2. Which process describes the vertical movement of water within the soil?
    • A) Infiltration
    • B) Condensation
    • C) Transpiration
    • D) Sublimation
  3. What is the main driver of the hydrological cycle?
    • A) Wind
    • B) Solar energy
    • C) Gravity
    • D) Plant uptake
  4. Which factor does NOT affect evapotranspiration rates?
    • A) Soil type
    • B) Plant type
    • C) Temperature
    • D) Moon phase
  5. What does the term ‘field capacity’ refer to?
    • A) The maximum amount of water that a field can hold
    • B) The amount of soil moisture or water content held in the soil after excess water has drained away
    • C) The capacity of a field to absorb rainwater
    • D) The irrigation efficiency of agricultural fields
  6. What is baseflow?
    • A) Flow of rivers during dry weather from water seeping into the riverbed
    • B) Peak discharge of a river immediately after a rain event
    • C) The diversion of river water for agricultural purposes
    • D) None of the above
  7. Which device is used to measure soil moisture directly?
    • A) Anemometer
    • B) Psychrometer
    • C) Tensiometer
    • D) Barometer
  8. What does a limnimeter measure?
    • A) Water quality
    • B) Water level in lakes and reservoirs
    • C) Atmospheric pressure
    • D) Soil pH levels

True/False Questions

  1. True or False: Transpiration occurs through the stomata of leaves.
  2. True or False: Overland flow refers to water flowing underground.
  3. True or False: Aquifers are permeable rocks that transmit groundwater.
  4. True or False: Snowmelt is considered a form of precipitation.

Numeric Questions

  1. If an area receives 100 mm of rain and 25 mm runs off, what percentage of the rain did not infiltrate the ground?
  2. Calculate the change in water level if a reservoir with a surface area of 500 km² receives 200 mm of rainfall with no outflow.



  1. C) Topsoil
  2. A) Infiltration
  3. B) Solar energy
  4. D) Moon phase
  5. B) The amount of soil moisture or water content held in the soil after excess water has drained away
  6. A) Flow of rivers during dry weather from water seeping into the riverbed
  7. C) Tensiometer
  8. B) Water level in lakes and reservoirs

True/False Answers:

  1. True
  2. False – Overland flow refers to water flowing over the land’s surface.
  3. True
  4. False – Snowmelt is the runoff produced by melting snow.

Numeric Answers:

  • 25% – Calculation: 25 mm runoff100 mm rain×100=25%\frac{25 \text{ mm runoff}}{100 \text{ mm rain}} \times 100 = 25\%
  • 1 meter – Calculation: 200 mm1000×1 (conversion from mm to meters)=0.2 meters\frac{200 \text{ mm}}{1000} \times 1 \text{ (conversion from mm to meters)} = 0.2 \text{ meters}

Given the large area, you multiply 0.2 meters by the area to find the volume but the increase in water level is 0.2 meters.

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