Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration using Thornthwaite and Hargrieve’s Method

Evapotranspiration (ET) is a crucial process in the hydrological cycle, representing the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth’s land and ocean surface to the atmosphere. Accurately measuring potential evapotranspiration (PET), which is the amount of water that could be evaporated and transpired if there was sufficient water available, is vital for effective water resource management, agricultural planning, and climate studies.

In this blog, we’ll explore three common methods for calculating PET: the Thornthwaite method, the Hargreaves method, and the Penman-Monteith method. We’ll focus on the Thornthwaite method in detail, including a Python implementation, discuss its disadvantages, and briefly touch on how these are addressed by the other methods. A subsequent blog will delve into the Penman-Monteith method, considered the most accurate but also the most complex.

Methods for Calculating Potential Evapotranspiration

1. Thornthwaite Method

Developed in 1948 by C.W. Thornthwaite, this method estimates PET based on temperature and daylight hours, reflecting the energy available for evaporation. It’s particularly popular due to its simplicity and the minimal data it requires—primarily mean monthly temperature and the monthly average day length.


The Thornthwaite equation is expressed as:
PET= 16\times (10\times\frac{T}{I})^a


  • is the average daily temperature (if  is less than 0°C, PET is set to 0).
  • is a heat index, which is calculated from monthly temperature data.
  • is a coefficient that depends on .

The heat index is calculated as:

I= \sum_{i=1}^{12} (\frac{T_{i}}{5})^{1.514}

and the exponent ‘ is determined from:

a = (6.75*10^{-7} * I^3) - (7.71* 10^{-5} * I^2) + (1.792*10^{-2} * I) + 0.49239
Disadvantages of the Thornthwaite Method

While the Thornthwaite method is straightforward and requires minimal data, it has several drawbacks:

  • It doesn’t consider solar radiation directly, which can lead to inaccuracies in sunny, arid regions.
  • It doesn’t account for wind speed and humidity, which are critical in evapotranspiration.

The Hargreaves method adds solar radiation into the mix, offering better accuracy in regions where temperature data and solar radiation are available but humidity and wind data are not. The Penman-Monteith method, being the most comprehensive, provides the most accurate measurements by incorporating all relevant climatic factors.

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2. Hargrieve’s Method

The Hargreaves method, superior to Thornthwaite method, was developed as a simpler alternative to the Penman-Monteith method when data availability is limited. It primarily uses temperature data but also accounts for solar radiation indirectly through temperature range, making it particularly useful in areas where only minimal climatic data are available.

How the Hargreaves Method Works

The Hargreaves formula for estimating PET is given by:

ET_{o} = 0.0023\times R_{a}\times (T_{mean}+17.8)\times(T_{max}-T _{min})^{0.5} 



  • ET_{o} is the reference evapotranspiration (mm/day).
  • R_{a}​ is the extraterrestrial radiation (mm/day).
  • T_{mean} Tmean​ is the average daily temperature (°C).
  • T_{max} and T_{min} are the maximum and minimum daily temperatures respectively (°C).
Calculation of Extraterrestrial Radiation (Ra)

Extraterrestrial radiation refers to the solar radiation received outside Earth’s atmosphere. It’s calculated based on latitude and the day of the year. However, for simplification in programming and applications, average monthly values are often used depending on the region and time of the year.

Disadvantages of the Hargreaves Method

Despite its simplicity and usefulness in data-sparse regions, the Hargreaves method has several limitations:

  • Indirect Solar Radiation Estimation: It estimates solar radiation indirectly through temperature range, which might not be as accurate in cloudy or highly variable weather conditions.
  • Sensitivity to Temperature Extremes: The method can be overly sensitive to extreme temperatures, potentially leading to errors in PET estimates under anomalous weather conditions.


The Hargreaves method offers a practical solution for estimating PET when limited climatic data are available. However, its reliance on temperature data and indirect estimation of solar radiation can introduce inaccuracies, especially in regions with complex weather patterns. For more comprehensive and precise PET calculations, methods that incorporate direct measurements of solar radiation, humidity, and wind speed, such as the Penman-Monteith method, are recommended. In future posts, we will explore the Penman-Monteith method in detail, providing insights into its application and advantages over simpler models like Thornthwaite and Hargreaves.

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